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Integrating Sound Level Meter 2031A

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Datalogging Sound Level Meter 2001

Integrating Sound Level Meter 2031A

Product Type

Sound Measuring Instruments

About Product

This model is a Type-1 instrument (Precision Grade) with Leq, Lmax, Lmin and SEL measurement. It has a wide measurement range, and a host of features like A/C/Linear weighting, Slow/Fast/Impulse time response, Max Hold, detachable microphone, rechargeable battery, and a alphanumeric display.


Chemical Industry, Engineering Industries, Iron & Steel Industry

Product Features

DC and AC outputs.

Detachable electret condenser microphone.

Type 1 Sound Level Meter for SPL datalogging and Leq results as per IS9779.

Slow, Fast, Impulse responses.

A, C, Linear frequency weightings.

Technical Specification

Standards Designed as per IS:9779- 1981, Type 1,
Measuring Range 34- 134 Db
Microphone ΒΌ ” Electret Condenser
Calibration Factory calibrated, Field calibration by Acoustic calibrator 3022. Calibration traceable to NPL.
Detector True RMS
Resolution 0.1 dB
Display LCD, 16x 2 alpha numeric
Error Indicators Overload and under range indication
Frequency weighting A,C, Linear as per IS:9779- 1981.
Time Weighting Slow, Fast & Impulse, as per IS: 9779- 1981.
Parameters SPL, Lmax, Lmin, Leq, Sel, Ln, Elapsed Duration
Simultaneous Parameters SPL, Lmax, Lmin, Leq, SEL elapsed during 1sec or in countinuous time mode.
Battery Life 24 hours per full charge
Battery IndicatorBattery life meter with auto shut-off on low battery
Outputs Analog output for filters AC output of selected signal
External Power External Power Supply 3051 (Optional)
Construction Rugged die cast, reflection free, aluminium enclosure
Temperature 0 to 50 degree Celsius
Humidity 0 to 90% none condensing
Dimensions (mm) L255 W 93 H 45mm
Weight 1000 gms
Standard accessories Battery charger, Microphone, Briefcase type carrying case, Windshield, Operation Manual.
Optional Accessories Acoustic Calibrator 3022, Tripod Stand, Mic Extension cable, Octave (3010) or third octave filter set (3013)